Friday, March 7, 2025
Why I Lie To My Husband

He had the keys to the house, and I’d forgotten to take mine, so I called him. He said he was home, so I told him I was on my way. When I got there, though, he wasn’t there. I knocked and knocked until I got mad. When he finally got back, he said he’d gone for a walk and apologized. It was around 10:30 p.m.—who goes for a walk at that time? I didn’t care; I just went inside.

Weeks later, I told him I was going out with my girls. He seemed fine with it, but when I got back, he was moody. He kept up that attitude until I felt guilty for spending time with my friends, so I started staying home more. Along the way, his job got more demanding, and so did mine. We were spending less and less time together, and he started going out on weekends for "work." He’d come home very late and complain about how stressed he was. I felt so bad for him that I even started searching, putting out his CV, trying to help him find another job.

When he had to go out on a Saturday, I worried about him. But when it was my turn to go out, he’d get moody again, giving me an attitude that would last a long time. I couldn’t take it anymore, and it led to a full-blown argument.

Then, one day, he was in the bathroom while I was looking at his phone, and I saw a message that caught my attention. “Will you be coming over tomorrow?” she’d asked. He hadn’t responded yet, so I couldn’t open it right then, but later that night, I went through their chats. It was… interesting. He’d been visiting her on those Saturdays he’d claimed to be working. The night he said he’d gone for a walk, he’d actually been accompanying her to the bus stop. When he was coming home late, he’d been with her.

Indeed, work was stressful. No wonder my husband was so tired. He had a full-time job, and then another “job” after work before coming home. Who wouldn’t be exhausted?

After finding this out, I didn’t confront him. I said nothing about it. I just started my own game, too. Now I lie about everything, and I don’t feel bad about it. If he doesn’t feel bad lying to me, why should I feel bad lying to him? Marriage is actually pretty nice when you’re a good player and know how to stay in your lane. We can both lie—let’s see who lies better.

Author: Blackpen Contributor
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